
Playing storytelling games on edu2 Light Play Table

Brilliant Future of Storytelling

Storytelling has made its way into very different areas of our lives. Brands no longer advertise, they "tell" a story. Politicians gain popularity because they connect with voters through personal stories. Businesses are looking for data analysts by including "data storytelling" in job descriptions. Why and when did this ability ...

Four reasons to celebrate the start of the school year

Summer and holidays are great, but back-to-school is also worth a party for children and even more... for parents. As a mother of three fidgety school-age boys, Elena reveals why she wants to celebrate the start of the school year. After a few months of children's holidays, I look at my ...

Why We All Need More Time To Enjoy Play

Mama-a-a! I hit it! On a hot summer afternoon, my 4-year-old son is alone enjoying play on the basketball court. The court and the ball are so big compared to the boy! He comes to the basket, squats down, and pushes the ball into the basket with all his strength. The ...

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst and stay calm

Every beginning is inspiring - it is a time when we hope for the best in the future. Back to school is even more exciting time for everyone involved - children, parents, teachers, and leaders. This season adds a good spoonful of anxiety to the excitement. How long will children ...