
Best Parents In The World

What are the best parents in the world? Tiger mothers, helicopter parents, fathers - lighthouses? Free-range or attachment parenting? These are just some of the names you've probably heard. Naturally, the question arises - how many of them are there? And most importantly, which is the best? This article is ...

Four reasons to celebrate the start of the school year

Summer and holidays are great, but back-to-school is also worth a party for children and even more... for parents. As a mother of three fidgety school-age boys, Elena reveals why she wants to celebrate the start of the school year. After a few months of children's holidays, I look at my ...

How can parents get meaningfully involved in child’s learning?

Parent involvement and significance in the child’s learning journey is growing and changing. Parents are the critical stakeholders in the education system, and parent involvement deserves as much attention in the public as teachers, students, and the education content. Learning happens through interactions with parents, teachers and peers. Education serves ...